Most work at home moms are working night and day. We find ourselves full time mommies because we are home, yet we are driven to establish our businesses and succeed in our choice to be a stay at home mom who also works to bring in an income.
For me, I know I am in a constant struggle to be a good mom, yet to also find time and energy to build my business. My ultimate goal is to achieve independence, financially and emotionally. While I cherish being a mom, I also want to be me. A woman who has achieved something all by herself and for herself (and her family too, of course!)
But what to do when burn-out threatens to squelch those goals? Give up? Take a break and hope calm returns soon?
I would love to hear what has worked for others when burn-out strikes. Also, do you believe work at home moms can have it all? Or are we short-changing ourselves and our children?