A well established parenting blog, Parenting Squad.com, is looking for a part time content editor. As an editor, duties will include providing topic guidance and web writing tips, review and edit articles, monitor and moderate comments, provide topic weekly topic ideas, help writers develop strong web writing skills, and engage readers in Twitter and Facebook.
Applicants should have SEO and web writing knowledge, follow parenting and popular blogs, and have an eye for good web content.
The part time content editor should expect to spend approximaely 10-15 hours per week on this job, with hepotential to develop larger role either for Parenting Squad, or additional sites owned by Killer Aces Media.
email recruiting@parentingsquad.com with the following if interested in applying for this work at home job:
1. Resume
2. 2-3 articles you’ve written that show strong web writing.
3. Rate
4. Any additional information that shows a strong background in writing, SEO, content development, etc.