Healthy Snacks For Work at Home Moms

517902_chocolate_chip_cookies_21Why is it that when I am sitting in front of my computer I get the munchies? And really, sitting so much is already not exactly healthy, but adding a handful (or two) of chips or a chocolate chip cookie (or two) makes matters worse. I have decided that this summer is the summer I want to make our kitchen, and the food in it, healthier.  So first on my agenda is to make sure we have healthy foods available for snacking on during the day (bye cookies and chips.)

An excellent snack candidate? Strawberries, ladies! It seems that strawberries have some extra special goodness for women. Studies show that women with the highest levels of Vitamin C have the least-wrinkled skin, along with the highest production of collagen, which we need to help keep our skin smooth and firm.

Foods high in Vitamin C include guava, broccoli and…strawberries! And strawberries have another bonus for women: they provide an excellent source of ellagic acid which research shows protects he elastic fibers that keep our skin from sagging.

One last benefit of eating strawberries (as opposed to that chocolate chip cookie,)– research shows that women who eat the most strawberries are three times less likely to ever develop cancer.

So obviously I am not a doctor, and I make no claims or promises here. But next time you get the munchies while pondering your next post, you probably should reach for fruit over say, potato chips. (and if you already do munch healthy, unlike me, can you please share how you manage to avoid those cookies??)

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