Part time tutoring jobs can be a great way for moms to earn extra money from home. At, tutors are paid as independent contractors and pay is based on the subject tutored and the number of hours tutored. All tutoring is done using the online classroom where you will assist students with questions they need help with in a secure, one-on-one environment. No lesson plans, no records to keep or tests to grade.
Wondering about what qualifications you will need to apply?
Prospective tutors will need to live in the U.S. or in Canada.
Tutors also need to be attending or graduated from an accredited college or university degree program(Teaching Credentials are not required.)
Possess strong content knowledge in English, math, science, or social studies at the level you wish to tutor- elementary grade through first year college.
Pass more than one subject exam in the application process.
This is a flexible part time work at home job- you can choose the hours you want to work as offers their tutoring services 24/7.
To learn more and apply online, visit today. They are currently accepting applications n all subjects for the 2010/2011 school year.