Want to make extra money to help pay bills, save for Christmas, or just go to the movies with? Check out Fiverr.com. you can list services that use your skills — designing a business card, creating a podcast jingle, planning a trip—for five bucks a gig. Fiverr keeps $1 and the seller gets $4 per gig. It is simple to join, and you can start posting your services immediately. Woman’s Day.com has an example of one enterprising person who makes about $300 /month with Fiverr. Stefanie Strobel, 28, of Newport Beach, California, writes people’s messages in the sand at the beach and takes a picture that she then emails to them. “I make about $300 per month and can do about 10 to 15 messages per hour, depending on length and complexity,” says Stefanie.
While Fiverr creates an economy between sellers and buyers like other freelance services sites, they have taken the negotiation out of the mix, keeping it simple.
Buyers pay Fiverr upfront for a task they see offered by a seller, then that seller is contacted by Fiverr via email. Sellers have to meet the Delivery Duration as they specified when creating their gigs. Failing to do so will permit the buyer to cancel the order. When a seller completes the job, Fiverr credits their account with $4.00. Sellers can transfer the money in their account to their Paypal accounts after a 14 day period.
Just reviewing the Fiverr site and seeing the jobs posted is fun in itself, and may get your creative side going. For the record, the website clearly states that ” posting or sending adult, illegal, copyright protected, promotional, spam, violent, nonsense or any non cool stuff is strictly prohibited. Doing so will get your account blocked permanently.”
Check it out at www.fiverr.com