Merchant Circle has just recently opened registration again for new writers to join their paid writing program, and provide content articles on many different topics. For stay at home moms looking to make some extra money every week, this may be a good option. You will be paid every Friday for all articles submitted, edited (if necessary) and approved by 5pm the Wednesday before, as long as you meet the $20 threshold. Payments on Fridays are made via PayPal, so you will need to open an account if you do not have one already.
Articles are written and submitted on the Merchant Circle template on their website. Though the pay per article is only $4.00, they do seem to have plenty of articles available to claim and write, making the $20 threshold every Friday easily attainable. Of course, the more articles you write, the more you can make.
No writing samples are needed, and you can start claiming and writing articles as soon as you sign up (free to join and sign up.)
There is a scale 1-10, with all new writers starting at Level 1. Level 1 writers can only claim 2 Jobs at a time until moved to a higher level.
You will have 72 hours to research, write and submit your article once you have claimed it. If you are asked to make corrections/edit your article, you will have another 72 hours to do so and re-submit.
Website: Merchant Circle
Writers Program: http://www.merchantcircle.com/contentwriter/signup