Suite 101 is a freelance writing community that offers a platform for publishing your articles and earning residual income. Writers are not paid up front for articles accepted and published, but earn residual income for each article they have published over the lifetime of that article. How much a writer can make will depend on the page views an article receives each month.
Writers have access to publishing tools, writers’ forums, writing tips and editorial direction to assist all levels of writers in their careers. This can be a good way to improve your writing skill, build your portfolio and earn money as well.
- Choose your own topics
- Set your own hours
- Put your work in front of millions of monthly readers
- Work one-on-one with professional editors
To apply with Suite 101, you will first complete their application form, including a sample of your writing and some background information about yourself. Your application will be reviewed within 24 hours and you will be sent an email letting you know whether or not your application was approved.