Looking for customer service jobs at home? You can apply for part-time job opportunities with RocketReach! This San Francisco based work from home company is currently hiring remote agents who live anywhere in the United States.
RocketReach is a new start up company started by ex-engineers from Twitter, Yahoo!, Oracle. The company is growing quickly, as new customers sign up everyday.
These are chat and email customer service jobs. You will answer live chat questions and respond to customer emails, all from the comfort of home!
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The ideal candidates for this job are people that are computer-savvy, have previous copy-writing experience, and one year or more of customer service experience.
Best of all, these are p/t jobs from home with benefits. Other perks include flexible schedules and setting your own hours. A very awesome plus for work at home employees are stock incentives the company gives you.
This customer service job sounds perfect for anyone who prefers a chat/email type of job. And remember, the company is hiring throughout the U.S. for these jobs. That makes it much easier to apply and get hired.
Want to apply or learn a bit more? Click here to go right to the job listing!
Good Luck!