A quick note for anyone searching for new online jobs today! JaneGee.com is looking to add a few freelance writers to their writing team. These are work from home jobs that are part-time.
I do not know exactly how many applications they are accepting, or how long these jobs will be open. If you are interested, I would let them know asap.
About JaneGee
If you are all about natural healthy living, JaneGee is a site you would love to visit (if you haven’t already, you really should!)
“We create our own natural products in our lab as well as curate the best products from around the world in our shop. Our pure products for skin and hair care are naturally created using the world’s finest, most nourishing ingredients. Our treatments draw on methods from around the world. It’s all part of a philosophy of clean living we share with our community.”
About Online Jobs As a Writer For JaneGee
Content writers work from home and are required to write a minimum of 2 blog posts per month. Keep in mind that is the minimum, chances are the site will be more than happy for more content!
These online jobs also include suggesting fresh ideas for articles, as well as writing newsletters and other social media copy.
Each blog posts should have a minimum 400 words. They pay $25 per post.
To apply, you’ll need to send a cover letter introducing yourself and tells about your writing style and interests, and why JaneGee is a brand you’d like to write for.
Additionally, you need to submit 2 writing samples or a link to your portfolio.
Visit the original job post for more details.