Inventor Spot is seeking freelance writers who can contribute content for their blog on a regular ongoing basis. These are paid online writing jobs with compensation starting at $5 for short posts and going up to $18 for longer articles. Popular articles will receive bonuses of up to $100 as well.
You should have excellent writing skills and you must also know how to do basic research on the web. Keep in mind that the blog needs regular daily updates, so they will be looking for people who can write at least one article a day or are able to write from home several hours a week. Experienced bloggers that are comfortable and familiar using social media like Facebook, Pinterest or Twitter are encouraged to apply.
How To Apply:
Check out the website at:
If you are interested in applying for these paid online writing jobs, send them a note discussing your prior writing experience and how much time you can commit per week to the site. If you have any expertise or specialized knowledge about any subject, please highlight that as well. Also, let them know if you have a personal blog or have an active social media account. A resume is appreciated but not required.
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