A pop culture website is seeking writers. These are p/t remote writing jobs paying $80 per month.
About This Job:
These are freelance positions – you can work from anywhere,and write articles on your own schedule.
They need writers who can commit to writing two100 word blog posts every day.
Since this is a pop culture they are particularly looking for witty humorous bloggers with an in-depth (almost obsessive) knowledge of a particular pop culture subject. Topics include books, art, music, technology apps, video and indie games.
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You should be someone who enjoys finding new and interesting topics and is willing to do a fair amount of research in order to write humorous short articles with original content.
If you are interested and would like more information about these remote writing jobs, send an email to qcznd-3941703920@job.craigslist.org and include links to any previous work – articles you have published, blogs, etc.
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