A Christian-based health website is seeking freelance health writers.
These are part-time freelance writing jobs that allow you to work your own schedule and from any location you choose!
Compensation starts at $20 per article {500 to 1000 words} plus there is the the potential to earn more as you write more.
What Are The Writer Requirements For This Job?
You must be someone who is passionate when it comes to living a healthy positive lifestyle, and sincerely wants to motivate others to do the same.
If you have a background in health and fitness, that is a plus. They are looking for applicants with degrees in the health field or people that have experience being a personal trainer, nutritionist, health coach, etc.
Articles will include a profile where you can link to your own blog, twitter account, LinkedIn or other social media upon approval of editor.
How Can I Apply For This Job?
To apply, e-mail a brief description about yourself that includes any health background and interests you have, and share why you are interested in this freelance writing opportunity.
Include any writing links and examples of health articles/essays you’ve written.
Lastly, indicate how many articles per week you think you’d be interested in writing. In your e-mail use the subject: Freelance Writer.
Email your information with ‘Freelance Writer’ in the subject to: Jared@creationbasedhealth.com.
Read About Another Freelance Writing Opportunity Here!