Artsy is seeking freelancers who have experience writing about art and are passionately involved in the art world. This is a freelance work-at-home position that starts immediately.
The type of articles they need include editorial pieces around gallery and museum exhibitions, artists’ practices, artist biographies, and art fair coverage. Assignments will be assigned on a monthly basis with the frequency of pieces determined between writer and editor. Writers are paid per post accepted and published.
If you are interested in applying for these freelancers writing jobs,you will need to provide links or copies to 2-3 articles you have previously published, preferably under 500 words, as well as the names and contact details for two editors you have worked before. Send your writing samples and references to Also, be sure to check out Artsy’s Featured Posts section to get a feel for the writing they prefer.
You can also see the original job post on
Good Luck!